As much as I love time at the gym, having a great at-home workout that I can do at any time is a huge part of fitness success. When I had the opportunity to review Crossrope, a revolutionary weighted jump rope that comes with a free app with mixed workouts, I was stoked.

When I was a little girl I used to LOVE jumping rope. I remember one of my favorite days every year was the "JumpRope For Heart" day we participated in every year.
Back then I did not realize my favorite activity was actually incredibly beneficial to my health - I just knew it was fun.
Fast forward a bunch of few years when I joined a CrossFit Box, and part of our warm-ups and WODs nearly every day including jumping rope. It was again, my most favorite part... even if I wasn't quite about to master double unders.

Crossrope brings all of the health benefits of jumping rope and combines them with simple but effective exercises that you can do virtually anywhere.
With their weighted jump ropes and free easy to follow instructional app, you can build lean muscle while burning more calories in a shorter amount of time.

I received the Get Lean set to review which includes their newly redesigned weighted jump rope with two weights - the ¼ pounds and ½ pound ropes - as well as a bag to carry it in.
The ropes are very easily changed out with secure clips in the new Slim Handles and the entire set is lightweight enough to take anywhere.

But Crossrope isn't just jumping rope. The app includes workouts for every fitness level with workouts that include strength training, HIIT, and cardio.
There is a timer that counts down each workout each exercise is announced and demonstrated in the app before you begin.

Crossrope has revived my love for jumping rope and given me full-body workouts right at home - making it top my list of best at-home workouts for 2020.
You can visit the Crossrope site to learn more and order your CrossRope kit today!
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