A few weeks ago I shared with you my excitement about receiving a new book for review - DIY Wine Corks: 35+ Cute and Clever Cork Crafts by Melissa Averinos. I love wine cork crafts and you may remember my Wine Cork Wreath or Wine Cork Christmas Ornaments. (My thumb has healed just fine, thank you) Anyways as soon as this book came in I dove in to it and started playing - and came up with my favorite cork craft so far - Photo Holders that can also work as Place Settings... you will see what I mean in a minute. I'm not going to give a detailed tutorial - that is what you should order the book for - but here is a quick recap at this fun and simple craft I made one rainy afternoon with the girls.

First of all I have a confession... I ordered the wine corks from Amazon. For one, I don't drink red wine, but the corks are so beautiful from red wine and I wanted some color variety. Plus I wanted to make a bunch of these (again - you will see why in a minute) and I may love wine... but when you are talking about needing a whole bunch of them... I don't drink THAT much wine. But I was delighted to learn that you can order natural wine corks from around the world! How cool is that?! Next I got my tools together - corks, ribbons, heavy duty crafting wire, scissors and a glue gun.

DIY Wine Cork Crafts
I adjusted the craft just a little bit from the book because I wanted mine a bit bigger - but the idea was the exact same. Melissa uses four corks in her photo holders - I used seven. You want to begin by hot gluing your corks together to form the base - making sure your corks are all about the same length so it's flat.

Next add the ribbons. I used two different ribbons to give it a little more pop. I started with the black ribbon and secured it with hot glue. Then added the white ribbon on top. I mentioned this craft was super simple and fun, right?!

After the ribbon take the heavy duty crafting wire - thicker the better - to create the little photo slot. Wrap it a few times around your pinky finger - leaving a nice long stem to stick in to the cork. Perfection isnt what counts here - its supposed to look home made. Then I used a small nail to pierce the center cork to shove the crafting wire in to.

Finally, shove the curled craft wire into the cork base and insert your favorite photos! All done!

You can use these little stands for just about anything. Having a dinner party and want to label the wines or food? How about this? My friend Jen is a Wine Shop at Home Consultant, so I thought these would be super cute for her display table:

And I don't mean to give anything away but...

You can find more detailed directions on this craft plus 34 more in DIY Wine Corks: 35+ Cute and Clever Cork Crafts.
Chelle @ Oh Just Stop Already says
I don't drink wine either, so I've always wondered where I could get the corks. Love the photo holders though super duper cute!
Ronda Ogilvie says
These photo holders are a cute idea! Looks like I have a reason to drink more wine!
Not So Average Mama says
Super cute!
Rachel @RunningRachel says
Super cute idea!! Clever way to re purpose old corks! 🙂
Paula @ Frosted Fingers says
I love the way that turned out! I always massacre my corks trying to get them out of the bottle! I can't wait to see those on your tables for your wedding 😉
Tammilee T says
What cute crafts. I had no idea you could order corks on line.
Valerie Remy-Milora says
I LOVE cork crafts! These photo holders / place holders are a cute idea... The challenge is always collecting enough corks lol
Digna D. says
How unique. There is always something new in crafting to use things I would have never thought of. Thank you for sharing.
Sara P. (@SensiblySara) says
Super cute!
My mom made of one these for me when we went to a local Etsy Craft Party. The corks were dyed (pinks, purples, etc) and it turned out really great!
Beth says
These would be super cute at a wedding!
I love the label idea too! I don't like to guess what is at parties.
Angela S says
I love this! I'm totally going to start saving my wine corks now.
Ericka Chatman says
I love this idea. It's affordable too. I'm going to start saving my wine corks for future projects.
Andrea Kruse says
Cute idea! I always admire wine cork crafts, but I can never seem to collect enough to make anything worthwhile. This craft look very doable though. Thanks for sharing. ...seems like a congrats is due in here somewhere...
Wendy says
how adorable! I love working hard towards getting the corks, too! (wink) .
Emily says
I have never done a wine cork craft, but I know someone who had a big design printed and hung on the wall and then they filled it with wine corks as they finished them.
Lisa says
So creative! Thanks!
Donna says
No, I haven't, but how cute is that! I'm not a big wine drinker, although, I'd love to find a wine I liked. 🙂
Liz Mays says
My daughter made a bulletin board out of them and it looks so cute. I love the photo holder you made!
Tami Vollenweider says
I have plenty of corks around,because I have a shop that we sell wine & beer making supplies. I keep saying I need to find some uses for corks. Love your ideas of your crafts using them!