This year The Tween asked to have hibachi for her birthday again with the family, and bring one little girlfriend home for a night of popcorn, movies, and manicures. My plan was just to pick up some cupcakes from the Publix Bakery to stick some candles in... until I saw my friend on Facebook talking about her new "toy" - a Baby Cakes CakePop Maker. I knew immediately I had to have one.
But I was skeptical still. As someone who LOVES cake pops to have "just a little bite of something sweet" I had never attempted to make them, because of all of the LABOR involved. As much as I love digging in the dirt, hand rolling an entire box of cake pops and getting all that sticky stuff all over my hands (not to mention the Tween and Toddler getting it everywhere) just did not sound appealing enough. But a Baby Cakes Cake Pop Maker... just sounded... well, a little too good to be true.
So I Googled it to learn more. And that is when I found this review.
I knew I was going to have to move fast since naturally I discovered this invention at 10 pm on a Saturday night - with the birthday party at 4 pm Sunday - so when I woke up early I headed straight to Walmart for all of the supplies... killing time until our local Kohl's opened up.
At 8:47 (they open at 9) I loaded the girls into the car and headed for Kohls. We got there before they opened and sat outside on the bench talking about all of the fun stuff we were going to make with our cake pops. It was actually very pleasant out there, but they let us in early anyway, and we found it right away.
Best money I have spent in a LONG time!

We came home with everything ready to go!
The first step is mixing the batter - just normal cake batter - and spooning it into the Baby Cakes Cake Pop Maker. Now, I will tell you this - when they say to use a teaspoon per cake... they mean it! Thankfully though, if you overfill like I did every time when they cool the little "spaceship" pieces break right off. They cook for only FOUR MINUTES (the Toddler was in control of the timer) and they even come with a little pitch-fork-thingie to help pop them out with.

I thankfully only mixed one box of batter... because it made SEVENTY-TWO CAKE POPS.

Then lay them all in a single layer on a cookie sheet, and pop into the freezer for about an hour.

Then, melt just a little bit of the Melts - I had to add some oil to mine as it was REALLY thick - and dip the end of the sticks in, and then push into the pops. The end result looks something like this:

Put them back in the freezer for another hour to let everything secure together.
Then you are ready to get to dippin!
Melt the rest of your Melts - I ended up using two bags... did I mention the Baby Cakes Cake Pop Maker made SEVENTY TWO pops!?! Well, I mean *I* did... but it did... you know what I mean.
We added some food coloring just for fun. And the Toddler was in charge of the Sprinkles.

Since it was her birthday, we needed to make candles happen somehow since I put them in the freezer before putting the candles in:

The Cake Pops were a HUGE hit at the party! Everyone loved them, and we loved showing them off! I even gave them to people eating at the tables around us. (SEVENTY TWO.... I mean... seriously!) And I am proud of myself... I ate ONE. ONE. Yay for will power.
I am already hooked on the Baby Cakes Cake Pop Maker, and from the dozens of comments on my Facebook Page where I have been sharing our progress, I am betting some of my friends will soon be addicts as well. I will be making some this week for a Baby Shower... and then my birthday is next... and Mike's in August... and then the baby will be BORN in August (that's a good reason to make more... right?!) and then my friend Jeannie's birthday is in September.... and then ooohhhh.... HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! (I am going to need a 12 step program)
Oh, and if you don't have a Kohl's near you - it's all good - Amazon has the Baby Cakes Cake Pop Maker too!!
I have since made everything from Cinnamon Roll Cake Pops to Blueberry Muffin Cake Pops to Corndog Cake Pops.... yes, seriously. Check out all of my Cake Pop Creations!
Bobbie {OneScrappyMom} says
OMG! I love this. I am seriously regretting the fact that I chose the Donut Maker. Actually I think the kids will have fun with it, but I am thinking of purchasing this one! How cool would that be for school treats! I love the ease of this. Everyone always says cake pops are yummy, but the one time I made em it was a HUGE mess (and not fun) so I never attempted it again! Yea.. I think I am headed to Kohl's this week!
trisha says
these are REALLY neat!!!
joy williams says
LOVE IT! I was always skeptical of the machine, but HATED making the balls..this looks like the perfect way to do them! Thanks for testing and sharing. I will be asking for one for my birthday!
Mandi says
I made my first cake pops for July 4th, and while there was a lot of work involved, it was really fun. BUT, I had my husband home watching the kids. If I ever need to, I will seriously buy this though!!
Louise says
I think you just sold me on it too!
Shannon says
I am now so excited that one of these should be arriving at my house soon. Yay!
marybeth @ says
I've been wanting one of these for months. I saw it once at, EVERY SINGLE TIME I've returned to buy one it's been out of stock! It must be a popular item!
Nichol says
I really want this and may just have to get it. What a great product!
Crunchy Beach Mama says
How easy is that? I totally want one!!
doogie says
Hey...great pops...Enjoyed ALL of night, Love Dad-o
Paula @ Frosted Fingers says
Are they still moist on the inside? I like the traditional cake pops with the frosting mixed in, but I have to say, this looks sooooo simple and I think I may have to get one for the bake sale I have to do next month. It takes enough time just to decorate pops!
admin says
Yes mine were - they werent as "heavy" as a normal cake pop, but I preferred it that way 🙂 And yeah, this thing is a must have for bake sales LOL
Cheryl says
I don't think they're available in the great white north!! If I sent you money would you ship me some? I NEED this gadget! LOL!
admin says
Girl, I will be happy to share in my addiction. You just let me know and I will trek back down to Khol's and pick one up for you! 🙂
The Party Animal says
I am so glad you read my review and you got one of these - I was right huh? I LOVE it too and it is so EASY. Your balls look great - lol.
Have you seen all my Push Up treats? Yet another item that is a must have - come check it out on my blog !!!
admin says
You have created a monster! LOL I love that thing! SIX of my friends have already bought one, and I have friends asking if I will make them pops for events and stuff... I am completely hooked. Heading over to see the Push Ups... 😀
Kelly says
A friend of mine was talking about this thing on Facbeook and I thought it was like a rice cooker for mini cupcakes. Just another appliance that would take up space I didn't realize this was cake pops! Your cake pops turned out great!
admin says
They actually do make a mini cupcake maker, donut maker, ... and even a whoopie pie maker LOL I love Babycakes! 🙂
Connie says
This I might enjoy. I'm not a fan of the cakeballs made of squished cake and frosting...yuck! Plus the yuck factor of rolling the mess in your hands into a ball. Ick. This looks good~! I'm thinking pancake mix or something similar and syrup for dipping 🙂
Jessica says
I just made those this morning! I took a sausage link (cooked) and cut it into 6 pieces and stuck one in the batter (filled with slightly less batter than normal) of each well. Dipped in syrup, soooo good.
Niki says
Just came across your blog while search for different types of batter for my Baby Cake Cake Pop Maker. I love mine but was tired of trying to melt the candy melts via the microwave or stove. So, I decided to venture out and also buy the Wilton Chocolate Pro. I picked it up at Joann's using a 50% off coupon. Now I love them both!!! Good luck with your future pop adventures.
admin says
Hey Niki! I agree - since I have started using my fondue pot it has gotten much easier to dip! Thanks for stopping by!
Henrietta says
I NEED this too! I've always wanted to make cake pops but dread the mess, I am going to see if our Kohl's has these available! I also love that idea in your comments to use a fondu pot for the melts!
Kim says
I bought the cake pop maker last week and all the stuff for it. But I bought regular frosting. Does anyone know if it still works if I just melt regular frosting and dip it in that? I really hope so becuse they are for Christmas and I really wanted red velvet with peppermint frosting
admin says
Hey Kim, I havent tried it with the normal icing. I have tried doing the red velvet and could not get them to rise high enough to form the "pops" - I would test it out this week as a trial run - I would hate for it to not work and be a disappointment on Christmas ya know? 🙂
Alexis doven says
I love this baby cake maker, also. I am getting very professional on it, even my mom says.
Jessica says
When I read the title, I thought you mean never buy a Babycakes Cakepop Maker - I was astonished, then I said, oh wait, she wrote Never Buy a Cake again. I agree, this is one of the best inventions since the Snoopy ice shaver.
admin says
hahaha I remember the Snoopy Ice Shaver! I must have made a million snow cones! lol
Melissa says
I just bought one and I am confused about the frosting. When making the cake pops we can't use buttercream frosting? What are these candy melts?
admin says
Hey Melissa, actual "frosting" has never worked for me. With the candy melts its literally like dipping into melted chocolate and covers the entire pop in one easy dip 🙂
Laura Lee says
My machine's latch is faulty and the pan sticks even with palm spray. I have not had it that long. Groan.